SAT Materials Checklist
School-issued Chromebook or personal laptop, fully charged with Bluebook app installed and exam setup completed
Note: The admission ticket will be available 5 days before the test; please print (preferred) or email it to yourself to gain entry to the testing facility
Device charger (in case of emergency, though College Board states that not all testing locations are guaranteed to have ample plugs)
Test ticket, downloaded through the Bluebook app
Photo ID (school-issued is acceptable)
Cell phone—please leave this in your vehicle, if possible
Low-noise snacks, like a granola bar or a banana, and water
Chewing gum (peppermint, allegedly, helps students focus)
Pencils or pens for scratch work (paper will be provided)
Your College Board username and password
An acceptable calculator for the math section (such as a TI-84)—remember, however, that Bluebook comes with full access to Desmos.
Advil or similar, just in case (Lauren suggests taking one with breakfast if parents allow)
A positive mindset and the motivation to succeed. You can do this. Remember to get up, walk around, use the restroom, etc., at every break opportunity. It will help clear your mind. Do not discuss the test with others; focus on yourself and all that you’ve learned. You can do this!